News and Events

JFSNEPA Announces New Board of Directors for 2019/2020

JFSNEPA held our 104th Annual Meeting on June 18, 2019 in the Linder Room of the Scranton JCC. Outgoing president Eric Weinberg gave the President’s Address, Dr. Dan Ginsberg presented the Nominating Committee Report and Rabbi Daniel Swartz officially installed the officers and directors. JFS Executive Director Sheila Nudelman Abdo gave closing remarks and a year in review video was shown followed by a dessert reception. We thank everyone who attended the meeting and look forward to our 105th year presided over by incoming president Deirdre Spelman.

104th Annual Meeting

Officers Nominated to Serve a One Year Term (Ending June 30, 2020)

Deirdre Spelman – President

Elliot Schoenberg – 1st Vice President

Dr. Dan Ginsberg – 2nd Vice President

Louis Nivert – Treasurer

Gayle Baar – Secretary

New Directors Nominated to Serve a Three Year Term (Ending June 30, 2022)

Nancy Johnson, Leah Laury, Sharon Levy, Natalie Gelb

Director Nominated to Serve a Consecutive 3 Year Term (Ending June 30, 2022)

Sara Levy

Directors Nominated to Serve One and Two Year Terms (Ending June 2020 and 2021)

Eric Weinberg (One Year Term)

Gary Beckhorn (Two Year Term)

Dovid Yehudah Fink (Two Year Term)

Directors Whose Terms are Continuing (Ending June 30, 2021)

Michael Mardo, Dr. Nancy Willis, Leah Gans

Jamy Rosenstein, Dr. Margaret Sheldon

Directors Whose Terms are Continuing (Ending June 30, 2020)

Paulette Okun, Stacy Nivert, Larissa Schwass

Thanks to Those Who are Leaving The JFSNEPA Board

Rabbi Marjorie Berman, Christine Black, Karen Cahn

James Connors, Donna Kostiak