JFSNEPA installed new officers and directors at the 101st Annual Meeting held in the Linder Room at the Scranton JCC on June 8, 2016.
Officers nominated to serve a one-year term include Leah Laury (Secretary), Eric Weinberg (President), Natalie Gelb (1st Vice President), Deirdre Spelman (3rd Vice President), Seth Gross (Treasurer) and Elliot Schoenberg (2nd Vice President).
Directors nominated to serve a three-year term ending June 30, 2019 include Sheila Cutler, Karen Cahn, Christine Black and Elaine Shepard. Nominated to serve a two-year term ending June 30, 2018 include Motty Chen. Nominated to serve a consecutive three-year term ending June 30, 2019 include Sara Levy, James Connors and Rabbi Marjorie Berman. Susie Blum Connors was inducted as a Life Board Member and special thank you to those leaving the board including William Bender, Janet Holland, Beverly Klein, Jay Landau and Faye Bishop.
JFS would like to thank Rabbi Yisroel Brotsky for taking time to attend the meeting and install our officers and directors.
The nominating committee for 2015-2016 included Alan Smertz (Chair), Rabbi Marjorie Berman, Susan Blum Connors, Natalie Gelb and Margaret Nasser.