by Arthur E. Levandoski
Happy New Year! The calendar has once again turned over to a brand new year and that has everyone thinking, new ME! New Year, New You, Right?
January is that special time of year when product advertising reminds us that another year has passed and you’re still imperfect. You’re too fat, you’re too poor and you don’t vacation enough.
A poll conducted in December by NPR, PBS Newshour and Marist showed that 44% of American Adults intended to make resolutions for 2019. Ultimately as few as 8% will actually accomplish those goals.
The history of New Year’s resolutions have been brought into modern cultures by religious traditions like the Jewish High Holidays. These traditions focus on looking back and making amends going forward. Today, many of these traditions have been stripped down mostly to what products you can buy to change your life.
In reality, the added pressure to accomplish your new year resolutions can add further stress for failing to do so. Changing oneself is hard work, the results are certainly worth it, but to be successful the motivation has to come from the desire to change, not the change of the calendar.
We should always be striving to be our best selves. Being our best selves however means we are healthy, happy and good to those around us. However, if you are set on making some resolutions this year we offer you a few choices to get you started.
5. Read More
4. Forgive Someone
3. Learn Something New
2. Get to Know Your Neighbors
1. Use Your Talents for a Good Cause
Remember you don’t have to be a new you to be a better you!
From all of us at Jewish Family Service we wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe 2019!